
The legend of Jade

During the earliest times, according to legend, two powerful leaders were contending for the rule of China. After a fierce battle the good leader defeated the bad and in despair the bad one threw himself against one of the pillars of heaven (it was believed at the time that the firmament was supported by four pillars, like a large pavilion). The pillar was so violently shaken that it broke, and part of the firmament was damaged.
When the new ruler comes to the throne, he was so saddened by the damaged firmament, which marred the beauty of the world that he decided to do something about it. Rocks of the finest quality were gathered. But the ruler was not satisfied – the rocks were not beautiful enough. He spent many years searching for the one to match the colour of heaven. When it was found and the repair was eventually finished and the beauty of the firmament restored, everyone rejoiced and praised their wise ruler. But some of the rocks used to build the firmament were still left. The ruler had these scattered over the world for later generation to use, to work into object of beauty and beneficence. So it came about that this stone, later known as jade, was called the “Stone of Heaven".

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